Monday, 5 October 2009

Everything Starts With An E Number

Every so often there is a story that strikes fear into the heart of every man alive. A story where you thank your lucky stars you weren't there.

Here is today's. Passengers witnessed a punch up between the pilot and cabin crew on an intercontinental flight.

I'd say there are quite a few things you don't want to see when you're on a plane. Smoke is the main one for me. Oxygen masks is another. But a punch up at the controls has just become a new entry at number three for me.

Oh, and here is today's No Shit headline from the ever busy scientific community. Turns out that lots of sweets can make you violent.

This report amuses because it stresses that the presence of sweets is more significant than location, education or upbringing. It studies 10 year olds and their convictions by the age of 34, but let's just remind ourselves of the radioactive crap that went into sweets 20 years ago. We were all bloody hyper on orange Chewits and blue Smarties back then; it's no wonder our brains are buggered now.

Also, reading behind the headline, a deeper theory is that rewarding bad behaviour with sweets and chocolate might cause further bad behaviour.

But what does the headline "Daily sweets "linked to violence" say to you? Enough for the Food And Drink Federation to get on their high horse. "This is either utter nonsense or a very bad April Fool's Day joke". Could be. Haven't we learnt anything from the past?

Don't believe everything you read.
Take everything in moderation.
And don't eat sweets as a child, if you want to be a pilot when you grow up.

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