Some people are born lucky, others have luck forced upon them. On this occasion I am in the latter camp. I was lucky today to attend an exclusive first play of the debut album by Ellie Williams, entitled "Unseen" released by Sellaband.
There will be few in the music community (outside Devon, perhaps) who know the name Ellie Williams. But that is all about to change, for this unknown singer-songwriter has created a debut album full of such passion and intensity, that it will be impossible to ignore.
The opening line "all of what we know is what we're sold and everything is not as it was told", sets the tone for the album, produced by music legend Tony Platt (AC/DC, Bob Marley, Iron Maiden). This is an album of aching, hurting, breaking and mending, and Ellie's voice is as haunting as it is enchanting. "You light up every corner, Firefly" hints at the hope amongst the hurt, the light at the end of the tunnel.
Ellie has put her heart and soul into this album, and nowhere is this clearer than at the beginning of "Mend", "It's funny how it stings my eyes". Each line is delivered with the single aim of not so much tugging the heart strings as reaching inside and shaking them.
Title track "Unseen" is atmospheric, almost desolate to begin with. "Reaching out, and I'm hoping I can catch you" is sung above the most gorgeous piano arrangement, and the gentle synth bubbles behind the bewitching harmonies, and that's before you've reached the epic climax about four minutes in. Music at its most heart-stopping.
But Ellie is no slit-your-wrists doom-monger. She does like a bit of Country, and Bubble causes you to sway, raise your glass and say "if you just call me, I will be there."
And then there is Fin's Song. Fans of Ellie's, myself included, first heard a demo of this in early 2008, and it was the main reason Ellie was able to find so many backers for her album. Those concerned that such a beautifully simple song would be over-produced should not worry, as Tony Platt has turned a piano-voice demo into an understated masterpiece.
It almost seems unfair to have to put any track after Fin's Song, but "No Lies" chooses to take up the challenge, with a bit of country while you gaze out of the window.
The opening of "You and Me," "Only you and me could make it work with 50p and a chocolate bar" is a line that could come from my other favourite band of the moment, Zoey Van Goey. A completely unexpected lyrical tangent, but as Ellie tells me "Only you and me could make it work... Still I'm thinking how lucky we are."
The short titles on the album serve to describe the song and the mood, and there is a balance between "Unseen", "Broken", "Mend" and "Found", but the highlight for me is track 10 - "Lay".
I could write at length about the pitch perfect vocals, the lilting strings in the back, the effortless pauses, the aching lyrics. But I won't, because whatever description I give will not do it justice.
In a sense, the closing track, "Don't Give Up On Me" is unlucky. How do you follow perfection? But the message is clear, you come away from this album feeling good, that no matter how life might get you down, no matter what misfortune you may suffer along the way, those who have faith in you will guide you through.
Unseen is available from Amazon from the 26th October 2009, on pre-order from and Sellaband.
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